Jessi Pederson
Director of the Office of Economic Development,
City of Glendale
As Director of the Office of Economic Development, Jessi leads an expert team of economists, planners and business development pros in Business Attraction, Business Retention and Expansion and Business Assistance. She also oversees the Arts & Culture, Special Events, Downtown and Visit Glendale divisions. Jessi first joined the city’s Economic Development Department in 2011 with an emphasis on redevelopment, small business assistance and special projects. Previously, she spent two years serving as Glendale Mayor Jerry Weiers’ Chief of Staff until rejoining the Economic Development team in early 2017, bringing to the team her extensive background and enhanced expertise in citywide redevelopment, small business/entrepreneurship assistance and Historic Downtown Glendale redevelopment efforts. Jessi has previously served as Project Manager for Economic Development and Development Services for the City of Goodyear, AZ, specializing in Entrepreneurship Outreach and medical industry attraction. Jessi is a proud graduate of Arizona State University and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science and a Master ‘s degree in Public Administration.
Contact: Jessi Pederson
Director of Economic Development
6751 N. Sunset Boulevard. Suite #328
Glendale, Arizona 85308
Phone: 623-930-2983
Lori German
Deputy Director for the Office of Economic Development,
City of Glendale
Lori joined the City of Glendale in 2017 as the special projects and communications manager for Mayor Jerry Weiers. After nearly two years, she joined the Economic Development team as the Communications Program Manager and now serves as Deputy Director for the Office of Economic Development.
As Deputy Director, Lori takes an active leadership role in the department’s Economic Development activities, leading the business assistance, attraction, retention and expansion team members. She also oversees the Tourism division, leading the evolving strategy to promote Glendale as an experiential destination for business and leisure travelers. Lori will use her expertise and background in marketing and communications to lead the department’s creative professionals that support the entire Economic Development Department.
A native from Puerto Rico, she moved to Arizona to pursue her professional dreams. Lori has focused her professional career on purpose-driven work. Prior to joining the City of Glendale, she spent eight years traveling the world for national and international business projects with the Miss Universe Organization, Grammy's, and Oscars. Throughout her career she has worked with national non-profits looking to make a difference in people's lives. She served three years as Director at the American Heart Association and five as Regional Director at Money Management International. Her native language is Spanish. Lori graduated Summa Cum Laude from Arizona State University with a degree in Mass Communication and is currently pursuing a Masters in Legal Studies at the University of Arizona. What she enjoys the most about Economic Development is being able to directly impact the community she is serving and through her role, being able to in some way engage with every project and opportunity that will benefit residents and visitors.
City officials are committed to making Glendale the city of choice for those looking for a great place to live, work, learn and play. There is a long-standing commitment to connecting business, government and community. This partnership has sparked exciting new developments and generated a high quality of life for Glendale residents.
We are proud of not only the tremendous growth happening right here in Glendale, but also the expansion of the surrounding West Valley. PV I 303 is a master business plan currently being built in Goodyear, which will bring thousands of new employment opportunities to the southwest valley. Click here to learn more.
Mailing Address:
Glendale Chamber of Commerce
9524 W. Camelback Road
Suite C-130-242
Glendale, AZ 85305
Physical Address:
Glendale Chamber of Commerce
10550 W. Mariposa Street
Suite 1
Phoenix, AZ 85037
(Located within the Pendergast Community Center)
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