Career USAF Veteran new to AZ and Glendale Chamber member was appointed to Gov. Ducey's Veterans' Service Advisory Comission
Glendale Chamber of Commerce Member
The Glendale Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that one of its members, Kathy Lowrey Gallowitz (LtCol, USAF, Retired) has been appointed to Governor Ducey’s Veterans’ Service Advisory Commission. The mission of the Commission is “to promote public awareness and enhance the well-being of past and present Arizona service members and their families." The Commission provides policy advice to the Governor and the Director of the Arizona Department of Veteran Services regarding veterans’ issues.
On receiving news of her appointment Kathy remarked, “It is an honor to be chosen to serve Arizona's Servicemembers, Veterans and their families in this capacity. I look forward to helping improve quality of life for those who sacrifice so much to protect and defend our freedom and cultivating civilian Veteran Champions.”
Before moving to Arizona, Kathy was the director of Community Outreach for the Ohio National Guard where, in response to 911, she created a never-been-done-before statewide outreach program to educate and engage civilians in support of troops and their families.
Through her business Vanguard Veteran, she equips civilians to become Veteran Champions, people who create mutually-beneficial activities and services for Servicemembers, Veterans and their families that improve quality of life, workforce, and community. She helps employers source, hire and retain Veteran talent and volunteer faith community leaders establish military ministries within their place of worship. In her book Beyond ‘Thank you for your Service;’ The Veteran Champion handbook for civilians, she shares inspirational stories of civilians who step up - using practical and innovative strategies - and lead the Veteran Champion movement.